Wednesday, November 29

dakuw nggak tau ini manipulasi ato asli, yang jelas dakuw suka sekali liatnya. jadi kangen sama echy :D

You're a great designer. And designs are too subjective to be appreciated.
Err, gimana kalo huruf buat judul dan menu diganti yang rada lebar. Aku yang tensinya lagi turun ini rada pusing juga bacanya :). Terus buat logonya, enaknya dicari gambar kucing (atau Calvin) yang memberontak waktu dipaksa mandi.

desaindnya udah jadi tinggal implementasi aja
coba direview gimana :)

Tuesday, November 28

heheh dah bisa diakses :D sayang ftp mrk cuma support 15 user, laa nanti kalo yang ngeposting gila2 blogger nggak bisa apa apa dunk :(

ada duit 1000 baru

Monday, November 27

aaaah lapeer....

mendingan BRENANG deh....

Sunday, November 26

hihihi file lucu dapet dari milis :)

ngakak abis gue :D

hehehe nyonya bisa aja :D

baru jam berapa udah laper :) dasar
koq bisa keapus segh :(

buat yang cari cari domain, bisa maen maen kesitus tersebut

abis sahur koq kenyang yaa :)
bobo bentar ach, besok khan kudhu kerja

baca berita ttg Tommy, Gur Dur danBorobudurgate waaaa jangan2 pak presiden bener bener maen gila :)

met puasa jugak! :D, lega rasanya bisa sholat tarawih lagi :)

Slamet Puassa!!

Jangan marra-marra, jangan nakal, jangan bandel.

Saturday, November 25

kukuh, jangan2 tagnya kurang ato keedit jugak

mdamt ngembangin blog unik :) Iblog alias ngeblog via ICQ besok tak cobanya dech om menawarkan subdomain unik untuk site kamu, rencananya site ini akan dipindahkan ke

infonya dapet dari om Mdamt

Wednesday, November 22

kuh ngedit2 templatenya nggak?

koen jang tidak setoedjoe djika akoe merokok banjak dari ndjondja sendiri sampai teman teman semoea, tapi masih badoeng sahaja dirikoe ini. :) boesoet pake edjaan lama poesing oeuj :D

Mdamtgambar powered bj rokok ato anti rokok? :) nanti tak pasang dech, eh soal jang kemaren gimana

kukuh :D hayoo diapain

Idban: Toech, dengarkanlah nashihat kawan MDAMT jang soenggoeh mengasihi diri engkau dari loeboek hatinja jang paling dalem dan djiwanja jang paling haloes.

MDAMT: Soedilah kiranja merantjangkan seboeah tombol (button) jang sekiranja tampak lebih menohok perhatian, menarik hati, serta menawan soekma. Dakoe soenggoeh koerang poeas dengan adanja rantjangan sahaja beroepa tombol jang hanja menampilkan seonggok rokok tertjoret itoe.

Kukuh: Blogger elo bermasalah tuh. Susah disusupin pesan :) :).

Tuesday, November 21

sudda saya kassi link ke di halaman depan saya. doooh matiin dong rokonya.... bau tauuuu


pada ikutan polling di sini


pada ikutan polling di sini

Smoking Sucks


Monday, November 20

BETMEN hayo main lagi ke Blogger Aksi.

Saturday, November 18

ikutan ach :)

dari akses log terlihat kalo ada yang ngebikinin kalo IP ini di subkan ke sekalian aja dilariin ke phpklik :D tambah satu lagi dunk domain site ini ;D

WebQL is the powerful, elegant, and easy-to-use software that makes the Internet your database.......*uuhhhh need money to use it :) errr* windows version pulak bah!

Tuesday, November 14

1. In the beginning GOD created the Bit and the Byte. And from those he created the Word.

2. And there were two Bytes in the Word; and nothing else existed. And God separated the One from the Zero; and he saw it was good.

3. And God said - Let the Data be; And so it happened. And God said - Let the Data go to their proper places. And he created floppy disks and hard disks and compact disks.

4. And God said - Let the computers be, so there would be a place to put floppy disks and hard disks and compact disks. Thus God created computers and called them hardware.

5. And there was no Software yet. But God created programs; small and big...And told them - Go and multiply yourselves and fill all the Memory.

6. And God said -I will create the Programmer; And the Programmer will make new programs and govern over the computers and Programs and Data.

7. And God created the Programmer; and put him at Data Centre; And God showed the Programmer the Directory Tree and said You can use all the volumes and subvolumes but DO NOT USE Windows.

8. And God said - It is not Good for the programmer to be alone. He took a bone from the Programmer's body and created a Creature that would look up at the Programmer; and admire the Programmer; and love the things the Programmer does; And God called the creature the User.

9. And the Programmer and the User were left under the naked DOS and it was Good.

10. But Bill was smarter than all the other creatures of God And Bill said to the User - Did God really tell you not to run any programs?

11. And the User answered - God told us that we can use every program and every piece of Data but told us not to run Windows or we will die.

12. And Bill said to the User - How can you talk about something you did not even try. The moment you run Windows you will become equal. You will be able to create anything you like by a simple click of your mouse.

13. And the User saw that the fruits of the Windows were nicer and easier to use. And the User saw that any knowledge was useless - since Windows could replace it.

14. So the User installed the Windows on his computer; and said to the Programmer that it was good.

15. And the Programmer immediately started to look for new drivers. And God asked him - What are you looking for? And the Programmer answered - I am looking for new drivers because I can not find them in the DOS. And God said - Who told you need drivers? Did you run Windows? And the Programmer said - It was Bill who told us to!

16. And God said to Bill - Because of what you did you will be hated by all the creatures. And the User will always be unhappy with you. And you will always sell Windows.

17. And God said to the User - Because of what you did, the Windows will disappoint you and eat up all your Resources; and you will have to use lousy programs; and you will always rely on the Programmers help.

18. And God said to the Programmer - Because you listened to the User you will never be happy. All your programs will have errors and you will have to fix them and fix them to the end of time.

19. And God threw them out of the Data Centre and locked the door and secured it with a password.


masih pengen bicarain VOIP ?

Monday, November 13

memperkenalkan!.... logo :)
hehehehe thanks honey, you have fuckin' good design

diskusi hot JSP vs PHP

akhirnyaaa....buka juga

Sunday, November 12

kuh, pake fungsi limit, nanti dech tak email ke kamu project yang nggak jadi :) disana ada samplenya
dan double crack??

Thursday, November 9

cobain dunk enkripsi dakuw,
makasih buat mas dani :)

server mo pindah!

Wednesday, November 8

besok server ini down, pindah server dari cbn ke arkadia, downtime 24:00 - 05 page :) waaa lama jugak

Sunday, November 5

microsoft oh microsoft, :) kapan dikau bebas dari cracker :)
hacked again!

kalo dulu ada sekarang ada juga :)

netcraft punya utility baru untuk ngecek uptime :) hehhe blom ada datanya tapi kalo wuih keren :)

bolong baru IIS, waa ternyata kena bolong juga :D"isiterserah"
makanya jangan pake windows om :D:D

Wednesday, November 1

jualan disenayan sama anak2 KSKG, mudah mudahan kegiatan ini direstui sama yang diAtas. amin

untuk apa jualan yaa click disini aja sapa tau kamu minat mbantu2, eh iya kemaren ( sabtu - minggu ) jualannya di pintu X, mudah mudahan sabtu - minggu besok diadain lagi.

buat keluarga besar KSKG dakuw cuma bisa bantu bantu dikit aja :) mudah mudahan niat kita yang tulus ini diikuti pula oleh temen temen mania' dot com yang lain :) jadi nggak sekedar hura hura dan playing internet around.

iseng bikin scripts buat monitoring server :)
sample onlinenya ada di

yang mau scriptnya boleh minta ke dakuw, tak kasihnya gratis tis :D

banyak yang nanya kenapa ban, kenapa ninggalin aktivitas di web? :)
nggak koq, nggak ninggalin bener bener, cuma dakuw pengen jadi suami yang baik, pengen jadi bapak yang baik pengen jadi yang terbaik buat dia.

dakuw pengen mencurahkan lebih banyak perhatian untuk beliau itu aja :)

koen, soal webmu itu jangan kuatir :) masih bisa dipake koq :)

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